Era: 1990—MOURNING

January 1990: Creates Normal Editions Workshop Lithographs

The Four Elements: Fire and Water 1990

January 18, 1990: Montana Hewson Dies of Suicide, age 38

Montana Hewson in still from Richard Kern's "You Killed Me First," 1990

January 23 1990: Opens Tongues of Flame retrospective

David Wojnarowicz: Tongues of Flame 1990

February 16 1990: Keith Haring dies of AIDS, 31

Keith Haring mugshot from Danceteria bust, 1980 (Photographer unknown).

March 30 1990: Dean Savard dies of AIDS, age 31

Dan Savard and Alan Barrows circa 1985

April 19 1990: Included in Artists Space “Joint Ventures” show

Phil Zwickler & David Wojnarowicz in Joint Ventures, April 19-May 19 at Artists Space

May 12 1990: Creates Installation at New Museum

American Heads of State, 1990 installation as seen in "Soon All This Will Be Picturesque Ruins," installation view, PPOW, 2018

December 7 1990: Luis Frangella Dies of AIDS, age 46

Andreas Sterzing, Luis Frangella at Pier 34, 1983. Image copyright and courtesy Andreas Sterzing.

May 1990: David first displays “One Day This Kid”

Untitled (One Day This Kid...) 1990–1991

October 25 1990: David wins Wojnarowicz v. Wildmon

American Family Association Check for $1 written to David Wojnarowicz and signed by Donald Wildmon