"Untitled," Metamorphosis series, 1984. Collage, acrylic on plaster, 10 x 10 x 10-1/4 in.

“Untitled,” Metamorphosis series, 1984. Collage, acrylic on plaster, 10 x 10 x 10-1/4 in.

In 1985, David shows work—like his Metamorphosis series of plaster heads—in thirty-three exhibits worldwide.

The Whitney Biennial displays two of his paintings: Science Lesson and Attack of the Alien Minds. David is featured in a Life magazine article on East Village art.

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) licenses the first commercial blood test to detect HIV.  David loses his first friend to AIDS-related illness, the poet Nicolas Moufarrege.

Explore the images below to learn more about David’s life in 1985.