Snapshot of David Wojnarowicz’s jacket; ‘If I die of AIDS, forget burial – drop my body on the steps of the FDA” courtesy The David Wojnarowicz Papers, The Downtown Collection, Fales Library, New York University
Some scholars suggest that David Wojnarowicz’s jeans jacket proclaiming “If I die of AIDS—forget burial—just drop my body on the steps of the F.D.A.” was the world’s first meme.
You can see David’s influence on a younger generation in the sign reading, “If I die in a school shooting drop my body on the steps of the CDC,” carried by a student at a 2018 walkout for gun policy change.
We plan to use the Foundation’s Instagram to advance, and honor the legacy of David—his life, art, writing, and fierce commitment to social justice—while keeping supporters aware of our initiatives.
Please follow The David Wojnarowicz Foundation @WojFound on Instagram for all the latest news.