David Wojnarowicz Filmography

While David Wojnarowicz only completed one film in his lifetime, he worked with friends and collaborators on a number of other film projects. Among his filmmaking partners were Richard Kern, Richard Morrison, Tom Rubnitz,  Tommy Turner and Phil Zwickler. Today, fifteen films appear on The Foundation YouTube channel in their entirety or as clips.


David Wojnarowicz, Heroin, 1981
16mm on digital video. Black and White, silent, 2:33 min.

David Wojnarowicz and Tommy Turner, Where Evil Dwells, 1985
Featuring Joe Coleman, Devil Doodie, Baby Gregor, Richard Klemann, Lung Leg, Jack Nantz, Rockets Redglare, Tommy Turner, Charlotte Webb, Scott Werner, David Woinarowicz. Music by AC/DC, J.C. Thirlwell and Wiseblood. Black and white with sound, Super 8 on digital video, 31: 10 min.

David Wojnarowicz, A Fire in My Belly (a Work in Progress), 1986-1987
Super 8 film on digital video. Color and Black and White, silent, 13:06 min.

David Wojnarowicz, A Fire in My Belly Excerpt, 1986-1987
Super 8 film on digital video. Color and Black and White, silent, 7:00 min.

David Wojnarowicz and Steve Doughton,
Around Clown, 1987
Music by David Markey. Super 8 on digital video, 3:00 min.

David Wojnarowicz, Death of Peter Hujar, c. 1987-88
Super 8 on digital video.
Black and White, silent, unfinished, 15:03 min.

David Wojnarowicz (with Jesse Hultberg), Beautiful People, 1988
Super 8 on digital video, silent, 27:56 min.

David Wojnarowicz and Ben Neill, ITSOFOMO (in the shadow of forward motion), 1989-1991
DVD, 22:00 min.

David Wojnarowicz and Phil Zwickler, Fear of Disclosure: Psycho-Social Implications of HIV Revelation, 1989
Featuring Paul Kakuschky and Chris Sharp. Music by David Wojnarowicz and Phil Zwickler. Video transferred to DVD Color with sound, 4:50 min.


Sophie S. Breer, Waje’s Cockabunnies, 1981 
Featuring David Wojnarowicz, Emily Breer, David Baillie. Betamax video with sound 13:00 min. Courtesy Estate of Sophie S. Breer.

Richard Kern, from the series American Obsessions, 1983
Featuring David Wojnarowicz. Super 8 color on digital video, silent, 1:21 min.
Copyright Richard Kern.

Richard Kern, The Manhattan Love Suicides: Stray Dogs, 1985 
Featuring Montana Hewson, Robin Renzi, William Rice and David Wojnarowicz. Music by J.C. Thirlwell. Super 8 black and white on digital video with sound 10:00 min. Copyright Richard Kern.

Richard Kern, You Killed Me First, 1985
Featuring David Wojnarowicz, Nick Cooper, Jessica Craig-Martin, Karen Finley, Montanna Houston, Lung Leg. Music by J.C. Thirlwell. Super 8 on digital video with sound, 12:00 min.
Copyright Richard Kern.

Rosa von Praunheim with Phil Zwickler, Silence = Death, 1990
Featuring Bern Boyle, Emilio Cubeiro, Allen Ginsberg, David Wojnarowicz and Peter Kunz. Video transferred to DVD Color and Sound, 60min.

Richard Morrison, Bust, 1991
Black and white video, 14:38. Produced by Elyse Cheney, Steven Harvey, and Larry Mitchell. Used by permission of the Estate of Richard Morrison. Copyright the estate of Richard Morrison.

Tom Rubnitz, “Listen to This,” 1992
Color Video. Copyright The Estate of Tom Rubnitz.

Marion Scemama, 1989
Inside This Little House, 1989, 3:16 min
What is this Little Guy’s Job, 1989, 2:05 min
When I Put My Hands on Your Body, 1989, 4:09 min. Music: Ben Neill, Actors: Paul Smith and David Wojnarowicz
Last Night I Took A Man, 1989, 4:33 min
After Word, 1989, 1 min
Under Water, 1989, 1:1 2min
Dance Patti Smith, 1989. Music: Patti Smith. Actors: Marion Scemama and Francois Pain. Super 8 on digital video. Color with sound. Texts and Performances unless otherwise noted: David Wojnarowicz; Camera and Direction: Marion Scemama Editing: Francois Pain. 17:00 min.