David Wojnarowicz: A Definitive History of Five or Six Years on the Lower East Side, 2006
A year and a half before his death, David Wojnarowicz sat in an East Village apartment discussing his personal history, aspirations, and political views with philosopher Sylvère Lotringer. David’s friend and collaborator artist Marion Scemama videotaped their three-hour dialogue.
A Definitive History combines this illuminating conversation with insights into David’s life and work by collaborators Mike Bidlo, Steve Brown, Julia Scher, Richard Kern, Carlo McCormick, Ben Neill, Kiki Smith, Nan Goldin, Marguerite Van Cook, and others.
Independent publisher Semiotext(e) writes, “What emerges from these masterfully-conducted interviews is a surprising insight into something art history knows, but systematically hides: the collaborative nature of the work of any ‘great artist.’ All these respondents had, at one time, made performances, movies, sculptures, photographs, and other collaborative works with Wojnarowicz. In this sense, Wojnarowicz appears not only as a great originator, but as a great synthesizer.”