Daniel S Berger, Ed., Flesh of My Flesh. Chicago: Iceberg Projects Press, 2018
David Wojnarowicz: Flesh of My Flesh accompanied David’s first solo show in Chicago, at Iceberg Projects, at the Block Museum at Northwestern University, complementing the Whitney Museum’s retrospective, David Wojnarowicz: History Keeps Me Awake at Night.
This richly illustrated book documents the Iceberg Projects exhibit of the same name, highlighting the corporeal themes and motifs David used throughout his oeuvre. Of the exhibit, curators write, “desire and corporeality are foregrounded, particularly the ways that Wojnarowicz juxtaposes images of abattoirs, animals, HIV/AIDS, industrial pollution, political corruption and censorship in order to awaken public awareness. Like the Dadaists before him, Wojnarowicz projected a world on a path to self-destruction, and incorporated items of his daily life into his work as part of an individualized critical response to the conditions he found himself [in].”
The publication includes an interview with art historian Barry Blinderman by exhibition curator Dr. Daniel S. Berger (a leading HIV specialist), as well as essays by Dr. Berger, artist Elijah Burgher, and P.P.O.W. co-founder Wendy Olsoff.
Additional resources re: Daniel S Berger, Ed., Flesh of My Flesh. Chicago: Iceberg Projects Press, 2018
David Wojnarowicz: Flesh of My Flesh exhibit, Iceberg Projects, June 23 – August 5, 2018